Whether you’re an experienced musician or just trying out being in a choir for the first time, there’s room for you in our various music ensembles at St. Andrew Lutheran Church. You can view some of our muscians’ performances on YouTube here. For more information about our organ, click here. If you are interested in joining any of our music groups or performing separately as a special music performance during worship, contact the office or Music Director Robin Wagner.
Chapel Choir
Chapel Choir is open to both men and women high school age and older, and meets for rehearsals Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm. Whether you sing bass or soprano, there’s room for you to join our choir, if interested contact the office or Jared Rogers.
Jubilate Bell Choir
The bell choir is open to men and women of all ages, and meets for rehearsals Sunday mornings at 8:30 am. Wether you’ve never picked up a handbell in your life, or if you’re a seasoned pro with years of experience, you can come join the rest of the ringers in our bell choir, if interested contact the office or Robin Wagner.
Ambassadors for Christ
Ambassadors for Christ is a small men’s ensemble that directs themselves and performs in a group of three to six men. If you’re a man with a singing voice and love to harmonize, if interested contact the office or David Krueger for more information.