The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Lutherans baptize both infants and adults. We believe that God is the One who acts in baptism, washing us, cleansing us from sin and freeing us from bondage to death and evil. In baptism God makes us God’s own and places us within God’s family. Through faith, parents promise to raise their children in faith.
As part of our baptism, the baptized (or their parents and sponsors) affirm that they will grow in Christ’s love, and the entire congregation affirms this as well.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion
God grants us forgiveness, life and and salvation through the Lord’s Supper, also called the Eucharist, or Sacrament of the Altar. We believe the true presence of Christ is in, with and under the bread and wine of communion.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday at worship.
At St. Andrew Lutheran, children receive instruction in preparation for Holy Communion when their parents feel they are ready. All God’s children are invited to come forward during communion to receive a blessing. Children who have taken instruction and recieved communion at a prior congregation are welcome to receive communion.
The ELCA is also in Full Communion agreements with several Christian denominations. Read more