Men’s Bible Study meets monthly (generally) on the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm typically at a restaurant or home around the Cedar Rapids area. The group is open to all ages, and the discussion is usually lively. Past topics have included: the man of Jesus Christ, Tripp Fuller’s Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus: Lord, Liar, Lunatic… or Awesome?, and the book of Acts.
For more information about upcoming meetings of the Men’s Bible Study, contact Craig Nilsen. To be added to the email list for all the future information, please complete the form below:

Katie’s Ladies (our Women’s Bible Study named after Martin Luther’s wife, Katie) meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month typically at a restaurant or home around the Cedar Rapids area. The group is open to all ages, and the discussion is usually lively. Past topics have included: women of the Bible, Ruth Tucker’s Katie Luther, First Lady of the Reformation, and the gospel of John.
For more information about upcoming meetings of Katie’s Ladies Women’s Bible Study, contact Nan Schroeder. To be added to the email list for all the future information, please complete the form below: