The willingness of members to be part of our weekly worship experiences is what makes it all happen.
Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP)

Ministry Scheduler Pro is our new software service for volunteer sign-up. It is based from a secure website and can be used to sign up for or trade any of our scheduled worship volunteer positions. There’s also an app that can be used foro managing your worship volunteer schedule times on both iOS and Android. For more information about the MSP or the app, click here.
Available Worship Volunteer Opportunities
The Assisting Minister reads the lessons, leads parts of the liturgy and prayers, and participates in the distribution of the communion.
Acolytes (4th through 8th grade) can assist in the worship of the congregation by distributing communion glasses, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying the cross in worship, and aiding with any other special aspects of the worship service such as a Gospel processional.
Ushers distribute bulletins, receive the offering, carry the Communion elements forward, direct worshipers to Communion, and assist people as they arrive and depart from the church.
Greeters welcome people arriving at the door for worship.
Communion Servers participate in the distribution of Holy Communion for each service by serving wine. Contact Sue Hartley for more information.
Altar Care members take care of providing bread for Communion, preparing the wine and bread, cleaning up after communion, and taking down the altar flowers. Contact Sue Hartley for more information.
Home Communion Ministers take communion to home bound members of the congregation on the third Sunday of each month. This is done by the Pastor, Deacon and a team of lay members. Contact Sue Hartley for more information.
Musicians at St. Andrew currently include the Chapel Choir, Youth Choir, Jubilate Bells (Middle School), and Laudate Bells (High School and Adult). Special music is also provided by the Sunday School and Sonshine Kids, soloists, and vocal/instrumental ensembles. Click here to find your opportunity to worship through music! Contact Robin Wagner for more information.