SUNDAY OF THE PASSION/PALM SUNDAY April 10, 2022 “The Long Road to Jerusalem” “They were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them . . . He took the twelve aside again and began to tell them what was to happen to him, saying, “See, weRead More →

LENT V April 3, 2022 Reflections on ”Beneath the Cross of Jesus” Beneath the cross of Jesus  I long to take my stand;The shadow of a mighty rock  Within a weary land,A home within a wilderness,  A rest upon the way,From the burning of the noon-tide heat  And burdens ofRead More →

LENT IV March 27, 2022 “Winners and Losers”       It’s March — that’s not exactly a news flash, is it, as less than a week remains of the month with which we have a love/hate relationship.  March is a month that just about gives us “weather whiplash,” as oneRead More →