PENTECOST VII July 24, 2022 “The Beauty and Bounty of the Land”       About this time every summer, I am nearly overwhelmed by the richness and sheer volume of all things growing and thriving wherever I look.  Yards and gardens are bursting with color and produce; the fields surroundingRead More →

PENTECOST VI July 17, 2022 “Square Pegs and Round Holes”       Does the old expression, “Like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole” resonate with you?  It might be used to describe someone who is ill-suited for whatever task or activity they’re attempting, or, more positively, toRead More →

PENTECOST V July 10, 2022 “Stones and Ponds”  You are the salt of the earth . . .  You are the light of the world . . . . You are the stone thrown into a pond.      What ????  Just a minute, — here we are. reading theRead More →