PENTECOST II June 11, 2023 “Getting There From Here”        It’s that traveling time of year, and after three summers of serious limitations on our comings and goings, even the folks who are usually content to stay around home are getting the travel itch.  We’ve tried to make theRead More →

SUNDAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY/PENTECOST I June 4, 2023 “I Believe . . .”       One of the joys of worshiping as a congregation is participating in the singing of hymns, participating in liturgy and prayers, hearing God’s Word and receiving Holy Communion.  Being able to once again gather inRead More →

THE DAY OF PENTECOST May 28, 2023 “Amazed and Perplexed ”   “. . . the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. . . . they asked ‘Are not these who are speaking Galileans?  And how is it that .Read More →