PENTECOST X August 6, 2023 “Write When You Have Time . . . And if You Don’t Have Time, Write Anyway”       It was the summer after high school graduation, a fun, busy time for the little group known as “The Three Musketeers” — my friends Janice and Sharon andRead More →

PENTECOST IX July 30, 2023 “Square Pegs and Round Holes”       What  do you think of when you hear the expression, “Like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole,”?  You may visualize someone who is a complete misfit and unsuited for whatever they’re trying to do,Read More →

PENTECOST VIII July 23, 2023 “The Gift of Friendship”      (Jesus said “You are my friends if you do what I command you.  I do not call you servants any longer . . . but I have called you friends,  . . . You did not choose me but IRead More →

PENTECOST VII July 16, 2023 “Lost And Found . . . Five Years Later”       Do you remember what you were doing about this time five years ago?  Unless there was something very important going on, it’s not that easy to precisely recall dates and events.  A group ofRead More →

PENTECOST VI July 9, 2023 “O Lord, Hear My Prayer”      “The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.  And God, who searches the heart, knows what isRead More →

PENTECOST V July 2, 2023 “With Liberty and Justice for All”      “For freedom Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”      “For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters, only do not use your freedomRead More →

PENTECOST IV June 24, 2023 “There’s No Place Like Home”       Are you starting to forget what the past three summers were like?  Many of us were very concerned about going anywhere that would involve eating in restaurants, staying in hotels, or even having a fairly short visit withRead More →

PENTECOST III June 18, 2023 “Everyday . . . And Every Day”  “This is the day that the Lord has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it.”    (Psalm 118:24)       The Psalms often give voice to how people are thinking and feeling, but are unable to put theseRead More →

PENTECOST II June 11, 2023 “Getting There From Here”        It’s that traveling time of year, and after three summers of serious limitations on our comings and goings, even the folks who are usually content to stay around home are getting the travel itch.  We’ve tried to make theRead More →

SUNDAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY/PENTECOST I June 4, 2023 “I Believe . . .”       One of the joys of worshiping as a congregation is participating in the singing of hymns, participating in liturgy and prayers, hearing God’s Word and receiving Holy Communion.  Being able to once again gather inRead More →