Being a Doer, Not Merely a Hearer Just about the time we feel nearly overwhelmed with busy-ness, crowded calendars, and “to-do” lists that just grow out at the bottom as we mark out items at the top, here comes another “thing” we’re expected to take on. So what in theRead More →

Finding The Sacred In All Things Phrases like ‘big picture’, ‘reach for the stars’, and ‘aim high’ are meant to encourage us to look beyond ourselves and achieve greatness. While I admire and respect those who embody these expansive ideals, I rarely find myself in circumstances where they apply toRead More →

On the Road Again Driving home from a recent weekend trip and enjoying a new, smooth stretch of highway, I got to wondering how I could incorporate thoughts of travel into a devotional theme.  Recalling that the expression of a “faith journey” is frequently used to describe a Christian’s growthRead More →

Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God Beginning our worship services with a liturgy of confession and forgiveness is one of those practices so familiar that most of us probably don’t consider its significance.  In fact, we may not necessarily come to church with an awareness of our sinfulRead More →

Seeing The Light As I looked through last Sunday’s worship bulletin, I noticed that January 25 is designated by the church as the day to commemorate the Conversion of Paul. I’ve been fascinated by this story since hearing it in Sunday School as a grade schooler.  It would have beenRead More →

Words . . . And The Word The Baptism of Jesus is a special Sunday in the church year, and it’s always a good reminder that although Jesus was without sin and did not need to be baptized, he chose to receive baptism as a sign of being one withRead More →

There’s More in the Kitchen! When extended families gather, stories about funny or awkward experiences, hilarious comments by children, and other memories are recalled, and then told and retold (perhaps with just a little embellishment).  One anecdote that circulated among my relatives was attributed to my brother-in-law, Tom, because heRead More →

So . . . What’s New? The new year doesn’t seem quite so new anymore, does it?  It’s all of a week old, and already the Christmas and New Year holidays are slipping into the past, as more immediate matters demand our attention.  A little time in which to savorRead More →

About Those New Year’s Resolutions . . .   Create in me a clean heart, O God,     and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence,     and do not take your holy spirit from me. Restore to meRead More →

It came upon the midnight clear,  That glorious song of old,     From angels bending near the earth  To touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good will to all, From heav’n’s all-gracious king.”     The world in solemn stillness lay  To hear the angels sing.Read More →