Bunkers North Korea has been featured in the news recently after it was learned they were test-firing missiles capable of crossing the Pacific and landing on American shores.  Considering that North Korea has been developing nuclear warheads, there is good reason to have great concern for what might happen inRead More →

Laughing and Learning How do you score on a “patience meter”?  What’s your comfort level of acceptance?  Have you found yourself trapped in an exceptionally awkward conversation or situation, desperately wishing for a means of escape?  With any luck, you can usually find some way of extricating yourself, but itRead More →

Hanging Together Standing in the carefully preserved room, looking around and listening to the guide, I felt tears prick my eyes as she described the events that had taken place there.  We were in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, seeing exactly where the Declaration of Independence had been signed.  In thisRead More →

How Does Your Garden Grow? Do you remember the first time you planted something and it grew?  A tried-and-true spring event in many preschools, kindergartens, or anyplace with young children is “the planting of the bean.”  Since all you need is some potting soil, paper cups, and bean seeds, it’sRead More →

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it!”  – Mark Twain   The weather has surely been the subject of conversation this past week, as we huff and puff our way through days of extremely high temps for the second week in June.  Many of us find ourselvesRead More →

Trinity Sunday Father, most holy,  merciful and tender;      Jesus, our Savior, with the Father reigning;         Spirit of comfort, advocate, defender,              Light never waning. (“Father Most Holy”, LBW 169)   There are times when it almost seems that TrinityRead More →

The Day of Pentecost Last August I moved from my 3 bedroom house (with a basement) where I had lived for 29 years into a 2 bedroom condo.  Lots of downsizing.  But the condo has a 3 season porch which I have always wanted.  My brother and sister in lawRead More →

Legacies and Opportunities What do you think of when you think about Memorial Day?  Is it that Monday tacked on the last weekend in May so that people have a long weekend?  Or perhaps it’s a day on which you need to be three or four places at once –Read More →

Calling, Hearing, Understanding Do you ever wonder if all the convenience offered by our various devices and appliances are, in fact, truly convenient?  Take our “kind of new” telephone.  The old phone, which hung on the wall and had a cord, was fading away and I admit needed replacing, butRead More →

From Peter to Luther Throughout this year, Lutherans around the world are observing the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s historic act of stating his opposition to many of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church, which set in motion events that led to the Protestant Reformation. Luther was well educated,Read More →