The Seven (Plus) Wonders of the World “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?     You have made them aRead More →

“Let Everyone Who is Thirsty Come” Sometimes it seems that there are needs in this world that are never met.  Or maybe it’s that they don’t stay met.  As we at St. Andrew began supporting The Water and The Witness project of the ELCA, I recalled a college classmate of mine who joined theRead More →

“Please Remain Seated!” If you have ever flown somewhere on an airplane or ridden an amusement park ride, you are quite familiar with that phrase. It is issued for your safety to remind you that even though things may appear to be at the end, there is still a bitRead More →

“I am the Resurrection and the Life” Our Holy Week observances, in many ways, mirror the gamut of the human experience.  The triumphant entry into Jerusalem, could be compared to the times when we feel successful and on top of the world.  The quiet days of reflecting and instructing theRead More →

The Roar of the Crowd Have you ever been part of a crowd of people who were filled with joy and excitement, celebrating and exuberant?  There’s something contagious about being in a group, laughing, cheering and feeling just saturated with happiness.  This experience can happen in many environments — aRead More →

Reflections on ”Beneath the Cross of Jesus”       Beneath the cross of Jesus  I long to take my stand;     The shadow of a mighty rock  Within a weary land,     A home within a wilderness,  A rest upon the way,     From the burning ofRead More →

Are We There Yet? Every time our family packed up the car and headed off on a trip, whether to visit grandparents and other family members, or take a vacation, there was always a point when the cry arose from the back seat.  “Are we there yet?” or “How muchRead More →

Come, Let Us Pray We had a good time, including some giggles, at the Sunday morning learning hour last week.  We  began with a story from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, using a kid-friendly version with a few embellishments from yours truly, serving as story-teller.  When you talk aboutRead More →

“There’s an App for That” There are times when it seems that our electronic devices can do whatever we need to have done, answer our questions, and assist us in any and every way possible.  We might occasionally wonder if we’re getting a little too dependent on these gadgets, butRead More →

A Lenten Fast of the Spirit “And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting.  Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.  But when you fast, put oil on your head andRead More →