Lost And Found One of the biggest news stories of the week has been the one about the boys’ soccer team in Thailand that went exploring in an area filled with caves, where they were then stranded deep underground by rising water.  Underwater experts were brought in, many watery cavesRead More →

“. . . With Liberty and Justice for All” Well, it’s that time of year again, as all across the country we do our patriotic duty and celebrate the Fourth of July.  With all of the traditional events of the day (which has stretched into quite a few days) includingRead More →

Going Home Summer is in full swing, with changes in routines as students are out of school or on a new schedule with summer school.  Weekends may include short getaways or trips to reunions, weddings, or other events that take place this time of year.  With travel, out-of-town guests, andRead More →

And the Rain Fell, The Floods Came “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.  The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did notRead More →

God’s House . . . Our Home I had never heard of a “Builders Blitz” until I read an article in the paper recently about one that was taking place in Cedar Rapids.  In a five-day period, a large group of volunteers and professional construction people partnered up to buildRead More →

The Urgency of Doing “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.  Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” “Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation . . . even so does inaction sap the vigor of theRead More →

Going the Right Way Have you ever found yourself going the wrong way on a one-way street or in the wrong lane of a divided highway? Or equally terrible, have you had someone come straight at you in your lane?  If you have, you know what an almost surreal momentRead More →

Wind, Fire, and the Spirit The celebration of Pentecost is a unique occasion in the Christian Church.  It commemorates a specific day, but, unlike Christmas and Easter, it doesn’t revolve around Jesus or the events of his life.  Rather, the events described in the second chapter of the Book ofRead More →

Looks Like You’re Just Cuttin’ Branches At one time, a family with young children moved into a house behind us.  We enjoyed getting to know them in pleasant, over-the-back-fence visits.  Their two boys were blonde, blue-eyed bundles of energy who loved to play outdoors.  One spring, my husband was wieldingRead More →

What Did You Learn Today?  Who hasn’t come home from school and have one of your parents ask, “What did you learn today?”  Those words could make your mind go completely blank, even though you’d had an interesting day at school.  And they probably didn’t want to hear that youRead More →