“Finding Our Way”      The past couple of months have been like none other we’ve experienced, whether as individuals, families, or communities.  Adaptations and adjustments have had to be made in virtually every facet of life.  People are working at home, working in stressful situations, or, even worse, notRead More →

“Come Down From That Tree!”      Jesus and his disciples (friends) taught a lot of people about God’s love for them, and how they could show that love to others by being kind and helpful.  Jesus cured those who were sick, and made it possible for the blind toRead More →

“This is My Father’s World”      Spring has arrived in all its glory, with new growth happening so quickly it’s almost explosive.  Those tiny, curled green fronds are suddenly real, recognizable leaves, and the tight little buds barely the size of your fingertip are blossoms so full and lushRead More →

“Who, What, Where is the Church?”      Everyone is feeling kind of turned around as we are doing a lot of things differently, keeping ourselves and others from getting a serious disease.  I don’t know about you, but it feels like an awful lot of things we like toRead More →

“We Walk by Faith”      Writing a devotion can be rewarding, educational, and challenging.  It can even get to the point of being downright frustrating.  But, like many of the tasks and commitments of life, there’s no question that it still needs to be done.  There are times whenRead More →

“Jesus, the Good Shepherd”      I don’t know very much about sheep and shepherds, do you? I do know a few things, and thought we could share that today.   A group of sheep is called a flock and the people who look after them are called shepherds.  Sheep grazeRead More →

“In the Darkest Valley, You Are With Me” The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.      He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;     he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths     for his name’s sake. Even thoughRead More →

“All in the Family”      One of the most enjoyable things about sharing this weekly devotion with the young people of St. Andrew is that it’s also seen by people we might call “young at heart”.   It’s one of the nicest things about being part of our church family. Read More →

“Love Your Mother”        “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established’ what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?  Yet you have made them a little lowerRead More →