THE SUNDAY OF THE EPIPHANY January 3, 2021 “Happy (Blessed) New Year!”       The much-anticipated 2021 has arrived, and the much-despised 2020 has passed into history.  Do you feel better now?  Or different in some way?  Maybe you’re more optimistic, more confident, more forward-looking than you’ve been for the past most-of-a-year. Read More →

CHRISTMAS I December 27, 2020 “But Wait . . . There’s More!  (Christmas, That Is)”       Whether or not we’re watching television with rapt attention or have it on as background, the commercials are a guaranteed presence.  The wonderful gadgets and new and improved products that will make our livesRead More →

ADVENT IV December 20, 2020 The “Must Haves” for “The Holidays”       Our Advent experiences and pre-Christmas activities and plans have been turned as sideways as everything else in our lives most of this year.  Those of us who have traveled or looked forward to company in the past, areRead More →

ADVENT III December 13, 2020 “Active Waiting”       It’s not very enjoyable to have to wait for anything for very long, and yet the season of Advent emphasizes waiting for all four weeks.  As we hear the words of the prophets of ancient times, exhorting God’s people to waitRead More →

ADVENT II December 6, 2020 “And the People Call Out . . . “Oh, Come, Emmanuel!”     Oh, come, oh, come, Emmanuel,                Oh, come, oh, come, great Lord of might,                Oh, come, strong Branch of Jesse, Read More →

ADVENT I November 29, 2020 “From Darkness Into Light”   “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.”   Isaiah 9:2      “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”    John 1:5  Read More →

CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY November 22, 2020 “Blowing Around, But Hanging On”       These past few weeks of autumn have taken us up and down, giving us cold, wet days and then turning around with days of sunshine and balmy temps.  We’re Midwesterners — we can’t help but talk aboutRead More →

PENTECOST XXIV November 15, 2020 “Building a Family”       Thanksgiving is nearing, the Christmas season is already pushing its way in, and this crazy, upside-down year of one crisis after another is now changing that most treasured of holiday traditions —  Thanksgiving dinner!  Whether or not you’ve gathered with a large extendedRead More →

ALL SAINTS’ DAY November 1, 2020 “The Word That Makes us All Saints”       Happy All Saints’ Day to everyone!  How do you plan to celebrate?  Will you be polishing up your halo, or perhaps making a list of all your good deeds (with gold stars, of course) forRead More →

REFORMATION SUNDAY PENTECOST XXI October 25, 2020 “God’s Grace . . . God’s Gift”      “. . . since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus . .Read More →