Blessings! Let’s take a moment and count our blessings! We tend to get so caught up in our schedules and to do lists that we forget to take time to thank God for all that He does for us. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Stop and smell the roses.” GodRead More →

The greeting of “Happy New Year” has been frequent this past week, and many comments are made about how fast the past year has gone by.  Many of us have all kinds of plans for the year to come — job changes, family events, places we want to go, projectsRead More →

Have you noticed how often people talk about “home” at Christmas time?  “Did your kids come home for Christmas?”  “Are you going to be able to go home?”  “This is my son’s first Christmas away from home.”  Christmas and home seem to go together, as we’ve heard in many popularRead More →