What to Expect


     Whether you are interested, curious, or just wondering about being part of a community of Christian believers, you’re invited and encouraged to participate in worship and congregational life here at St. Andrew Lutheran Church.  There’s a banner in the entry space that declares “All Are Welcome” and that is how you’ll be greeted.

     Sunday Worship takes place at 10:30 every Sunday morning.  The service follows the liturgy in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, which is usedby congregations of the national Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  A printed bulletin includes hymn numbers and page numbers for several parts of the liturgy.  

     Readings from the Old and New Testaments, a Psalm, and one of the Gospels are included.  The pastor and a lay member are worship leaders, reading the Scriptures, the prayers, and serving Holy Communion, which is offered every week.  Everyone is invited to participate in Holy Communion, as this is the Lord’s table, where all are welcome.  Both wine and grape juice are offered, and if anyone has a restriction or preference regarding either bread or wine, they can cross their arms over their chest and receive a blessing.

     Congregational singing is part of every worship service, and there is often special music provided by the choir, handbells, soloists, and a men’s choral group.  A pipe organ and grand piano provide accompaniment and additional instrumental music.

     If you arrive shortly before the 10:30 a.m. service, you’ll be greeted and provided with a bulletin. Ushers are available to direct you to the coat rack, water fountain or restroom.  You’re welcome to choose wherever you prefer to sit in the sanctuary — there are both pews and chairs, so make yourself comfortable.  Casual clothing is very typical, so don’t feel you need to be formally dressed. 

     Children are welcome as a vital part of God’s family.  Most Sundays a children’s message is shared by the pastor at the beginning of worship.  Activity bags with coloring pages, crayons, and a variety of interesting items are available, and a small table with chairs is at the front of the chair seating, also with activities for youngsters.  A nursery with changing table and rocking chair is available if needed — an usher will be glad to direct you.

The church building is all on one level, fully accessible by wheelchair or walker, and includes a special needs restroom.  Assistive hearing devices can be obtained from ushers, and large print bulletins are available at every service.

     Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the services like? 
    • Attending St. Andrew Lutheran you will find yourself amongst a welcoming congregation that will do everything possible to make you feel like a part of worship.
    • Sunday worship services typically run about an hour in length.
    • Each service consists of four main elements:
      • Gathering: Confession and Forgiveness, a remembrance of baptism, and an opening hymn
      • Word: Pastor’s message (Sermon) typically is based on one that readings for that Sunday.
      • Meal: Holy Communion is served at every service
      • Sending: prayer, hymn, and a call for all to Share the Good News
  • What should I wear?
    • At St. Andrew Lutheran, we are very open to whatever you would like to wear. Some members will wear a traditional “Sunday best” but others are entirely casual in jeans and a comfortable shirt. “All are Welcome!” so feel free to come as you are and wear whatever makes you feel most at ease.
  • Can I participate in communion?
    • “All are welcome” at the table to receive God’s grace through the sacrament of Holy Communion, regardless of age. Both wine and grape juice are offered as well as gluten free bread. If you prefer a blessing instead, simply place your arms in an X shape over your chest.
  • Are children welcome?
    • It is a joy having children at worship as they are the future of our world, and sharing the Good News of the Word with them, no matter how how young, is important.
    • Activity bags are available and are filled with crayons and quiet activities for younger children.
    • Understandably that sometimes there can be a need for even the most patient of parents to have a more peaceful, contemplative time at worship, and there is a nursery available for that reason.
    • If it is necessary the library area (just outside the sanctuary) is often used for conforting and calming young ones.
  • How accessible is the church for those who are handicapped?
    • Our church is fully accessible by wheelchair, and even if you were to come to worship without a wheelchair but need one later, we have one that can be provided to you. There are also assistive hearing devices and large print bulletins available.

what we believe