Week of September 1, 2024

PENTECOST XV September 1, 2024  
“Our Creator and Savior”      
I lift up my eyes to the hills — from where will my help come?           My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will
not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. He
who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your
keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you
from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore. Psalm 121

Many people have a “happy place” or a special area that boosts their
spirits, creating a feeling of well-being that inspires and calms them. I’ve
loved going to the mountains since my first experience of gazing at the
grandeur of the towering peaks of the Rockies.  The never-the-same sight of the light playing across the rugged landscape, seeing clouds roll in, or watching the sun drop out of sight always fills me with wonder at God’s creative power. As a daughter of the plains, however, and whenever I
look toward the wide-open horizons of my beloved “flatland” I
experience a feeling of optimism, hope, and the sense of boundless

Psalm 121 has long been a favorite of mine, because of my delight and
inspiration in looking to the mountains.  As the writer of the Psalms looks up to the hills, we are reminded of how many times we read of our
ancestors in the faith going up to a high place to feel closer to God. Moses experienced the burning bush, and was given the Ten Commandments,
and Jesus sought solitude for prayer, to preach, and to show himself
transfigured to his disciples.     

This psalm moves quickly, as it opens with the writer, obviously in
distress, but who then answers his own question. The following verses
are a message to share with all people, which is that we are always in
God’s care and “keeping.” The use of various forms of “keep” in the Old
testament means “watch over” as to guard and guide.  The image of a
protector is intentional, emphasizing that God guards and cares for us
throughout our lives.    

We are all well aware that Christians are not exempt from the sorrows,
tragedies, or problems of the world. Whether it’s a matter of personal
experience, or we learn of disasters near or far away, there are always
times when we still feel threatened and vulnerable. We have fears and
grief, because we are human, but we are created by God, and are his
beloved children. In the often-awkward balance (or imbalance) of this
world and the world to come, the gifts of grace and faith anchor us.
However desperate or confused we may be, the faith and knowledge that our souls are secure in God’s care gives us the answer to our question:
“from where will my help come?”  

Trusting in my Lord’s protective love,
Your friend in Christ,   
Mary Rogers

A Closer Walk https://youtu.be/KTvGMXp9aNU?si=ZN6kO4ZexlCNU6nc 
Lord of All Hopefulness https://youtu.be/9-D_aT8CXyc?si=i4DxuLkrBaxO2F2D

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