Weekly Devotions – July 7, 2024

PENTECOST VII, July 7, 2024  
“The Truth Will Make You Free”

“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you
continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know
the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32

It’s July in America, and we’ve been observing Independence Day for
several days before and after the Fourth of July.  Last Thursday, our local newspaper printed the full Declaration of Independence, and I read
several sections of it. The authors and those who signed in agreement
presented logical, well-articulated reasons for declaring themselves
independent and separate from British rule. As 21st-century Americans, we claim personal and national freedoms as our birthright, but we can
never overlook the courage and commitment of the small group of
individuals who signed the Declaration of Independence.  In this
document, they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause they had determined was right and just for those they
represented. Reading it today, we see the timeless concepts of justice,
fairness, and the rights of all humans. The concept of personal and
communal freedom is far from recent. While the Declaration of
Independence addresses political and economic rights and opportunities, as well as individual freedoms, we can turn to the Bible for true
definitions and understandings of freedom. As Jesus began his ministry
and was preaching, teaching, and healing throughout the country, he
spoke of a radically different relationship between God and humans. 

He taught that God was a loving Father, who had sent him to free his people from the unyielding laws of the Old Testament, to proclaim a new message of forgiveness, mercy, and eternal life. In the quote from the
Gospel of John, Jesus is calling himself the truth, as he also does in John 14:6 and 18:37.  If you read it with that in mind, Jesus is saying, “you will
know me, and I will make you free.”      

Whether we think of freedom in terms of how Jesus taught and practiced it, or in relation to the more recent historic events of our own country,
there is definitely commonality.  Our freedom as Christians gives us the
opportunity to lead lives of service, sharing the good news that all people need to hear, and to care for those in need in Christ’s name. Our freedoms as citizens of our country carry responsibilities as well, as we find ways
of working together, creating opportunities for all to be free indeed.

Gratefully free in Christ,
Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers  

This week’s music features young children singing about freedom in several styles. We include an African American spiritual from the hearts of enslaved people, the folky, simple song that speaks of the remarkable
beauty and blessings of our natural environment, and second graders
asking that God will shed his grace on our country, blessing us with brother (and sister) hood.  These young voices singing of freedom and hope
touch my heart — I hope they touch you, too. 
Oh Freedom https://youtu.be/90K8c-eqwHA?si=IGxLlWlJKZStsw51 
This Land is Your Land https://youtu.be/KdayaJRNL9k?si=Yy_k_5obd4FEaeoK 
America the Beautiful https://youtu.be/sEJQ2GqLq8w?si=AadW6URhDJLiCr8k

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