Weekly Devotion – October 29, 2023


October 29, 2023

“The Power and the Promise of God’s Word”      

At some time or other, as part of your occupation, you’ve probably attended workshops or seminars that make use of small group “breakout sessions.”  A question or topic is introduced for discussion, and then the groups share their ideas or conclusions with the larger group.  Imagine being in such a setting and having your assigned subject related to the Protestant Reformation.  Perhaps the discussion question is, “Martin Luther: Reformer or Rabble-rouser?”   How about this talking point: “Grace: The Real Deal or Wishful Thinking?”  Yes, we’re all cringing.     How grateful we can be that Martin Luther didn’t turn to focus groups, take polls or surveys, or even seek out opinions from his colleagues and friends.  Rather, he immersed himself in the study of God’s Word.  He knew the Bible so intimately, it was woven into the very fiber of his being.      

Writing in 1545, Luther recalled how his meditation on Romans 1:17 and Paul’s words, “Those who through faith are righteous shall live” led him to a new understanding of God’s gifts to his people.  Rather than God’s righteousness being a strict standard by which God judges us, it is the way God justifies us, which puts us in right relationship with him.  “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”  (Ephesians 2:8)     

This Sunday, as we sing the stirring words of “A Mighty Fortress” how about considering it as a statement of faith, rather than simply the words of a song.  The words of assurance of the power and the promise of God’s word, which will never fail, and no matter what losses we experience, God’s protection never fails.  Themes of battle and conflict may sound pretty aggressive in contrast with Jesus’ teachings of bringing peace to the world, but the reality is that the forces of sin and evil continue to fight for the souls of all humanity.       

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, (ch. 6:10-11) he writes: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.  Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  We do not stand alone, faced with overwhelming obstacles; rather, we have all that we need because of God’s boundless grace poured out for us.  So we come full circle, from being fearful sinners, hopelessly unable to justify ourselves before God, to being his children, called to do his work, our souls safe in his kingdom of love and grace.     

God’s grace comes to us at times and in places we may not expect or recognize it, but fortunately, it’s not dependent on our awareness of understanding.  That’s what makes it a gift — we do nothing to earn it, and we can’t obtain it by going after it.  The only response we can make to such generosity is to  share this message of love and forgiveness. 

Amazed at this grace-filled life,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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