Weekly Devotion – October 15, 2023


October 15, 2023

“Bringing in the Harvest”      

Fall has definitely arrived, as every time we look out a window or run a short errand, the colors of the landscape have changed.  Trees, bushes, and other plants have a new color palette almost daily.  From the shades of green that were looking dusty and faded just a couple of weeks ago, we’re now treated to rich golds, shining yellows, and a wonderful variety of reds, from orangey flame to deep burgundy.  Even on the gray days, color is everywhere.       

Hand in hand with the seasonal changes, we Midwesterners are also tuned in to harvest time.  Whether or not you grew up on a farm or lived in a farm community, the increase in activity throughout the countryside is noticeable as the crops are brought in.  A great deal needs to get done in a limited amount of time, so a number of variables come into play.  We’re once again reminded of the richness of this land, the bounty it yields, and how privileged we are to be part of feeding the world.  Severe drought conditions and extreme high heat have created many concerns over both the quality and quantity of crops this year, but nonetheless there is a harvest.  And those eternal optimists in overalls will be out in the fields when spring rolls around, planting, cultivating, and looking ahead.       

There are numerous references throughout the Bible to planting, growing, harvesting, and life in God’s creation.  After Noah and his family survived the flood, God made them a promise: “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”  (Genesis 8:22). The Psalms include thanks for good harvests, and we learn from the Old Testament how every household needed successful growing seasons, both for their own food and to have something to sell or barter to obtain other needed items.       

In Matthew 9:35-38, we learn that as Jesus was traveling about, teaching, preaching and healing, when he saw the crowds who came to see him, he told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.”  Our Lord spoke to the disciples and speaks to us today, as all Christians are called to share the Good News, whether with people around the world or right down the street from us.      

Last week I saw a television report of a community coming together in the face of a family’s tragedy.  A farmer had died suddenly, and as the fall harvest began, the neighbors organized to bring in the crops he had planted.  With tears in my eyes, I watched the video of those huge combines rolling through the fields, making short work of acres and acres of corn and soybeans, and knew I was seeing God at work in his people.  It seems a similar story shows up on the news every year, reminding us that caring and supporting one another in times of need are foundational to our Christian faith.  How blessed we are to be given opportunities to be workers in God’s harvest! 

Amazed at the bounty of love from our Father,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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