Weekly Devotion – September 24, 2023


September 24, 2023

“Cleansed and Refreshed”  

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.  Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”  (Psalm 51:1-2)   

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.”  (Psalm 51:10)      

It has surely been a long, hot summer, and many of us who are weather-watching Midwesterners have found ourselves turning away from the daily TV weather report and forecast.  For one thing, we’re pretty sure we already know what the meteorologist is going to say, and for another thing, we don’t want to hear the depressing news.  It’s been dry, it’s dry right now, and it’s going to continue to be dry.  What a combination of discouraging and repetitive!  The fascinating technology of full-color radar pictures of an approaching rainstorm turns into disappointment, as the promising blobs of green separate somewhere near the county line, and one segment drifts north and the other goes to the south.  It’s all very nice for our neighbors, but what about us?     

Farmers are looking at seriously reduced crop yields, apple orchards and Christmas tree farms are not doing well, and those of us with precious new replacement trees can’t let them dry up, so we’re running the hose, feeling kind of guilty, and wishing city water had the beneficial properties of rain.  Oh, water, how we miss it, and how vividly we are aware of how critically we need it.  And yet . . . fifteen years and a few months ago (yes, it’s been that long) our community was dealing with the aftermath of a record flood that destroyed and damaged homes, churches, public buildings, and places of business.  Remember people frantically sandbagging around the last operational city water pump, saving all of Cedar Rapids from a catastrophic situation?       

After the derecho that hit our area three years ago took out electrical service virtually everywhere, I was reminded again that between electricity and water service, we could cope fairly well without power, but to be without water for very long would be a serious hardship.  The plumbing works, you can do necessary cleanup, and on those hot August days, a lukewarm shower and water cool from the tap was very refreshing!     

The life-giving properties of water and the wonderful feeling of cleanliness after bathing speak to people across cultures and generations, and throughout the Bible we are reminded of the dry and dusty environment in which the Hebrew people lived.  Just as the dust and dirt from a day’s work or travel needed to be washed off, so it is with the dirt and grime of sin.  To be clean is to be fresh and renewed, and to be spiritually cleansed is truly a gift of love and forgiveness from our heavenly Father.      

The waters of baptism carry a powerful message, as we “wash” whoever is at the font with the promise of salvation and being in a right relationship with God.  This is not just a symbolic gesture; it is a true connection to Christ, who came to John the Baptist (Matthew 3) requesting baptism as the One who is truly human and truly the Son of God.  Jesus is fully with us in baptism, as we are made clean by the power of the Holy Spirit, and welcomed into God’s family.   

Feeling refreshed and clean,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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