Weekly Devotion – August 27, 2023


August 27, 2023

“Paying Attention to the Important Things”       

The term “distracted driving” has become an everyday term that pops up quite often describing the cause of traffic accidents, especially those that involve serious injuries or fatalities.  We quickly assign blame to a driver who is not paying attention while behind the wheel until it’s too late to correct their speed or direction.  And yet, overconfidently believing that we can glance at a text or answer a call is probably more common than we want to admit.  Those riding with us often create distractions, whether lively youngsters that need to be quieted, opinions expressed on the best way to get to the destination or just general conversation.      

It’s not much of a stretch to see similarities between distracted driving and distracted living, as we so often think we can juggle two or more tasks or activities, usually with mediocre outcomes or total failures!  Whether the result is a car accident, serious conflict with friends and/or family, or a problem at our workplace, there’s a possibility for damage that we can’t undo.        

With these thoughts in mind, I did some searching, and found a number of  biblical references to paying attention or being attentive.  The book of Proverbs speaks of the importance of learning from one’s parents:  “Listen, children, to a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight”  (Proverbs 4:1).  The psalmist asks God to pay attention to his pleas: “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.  Lord, hear my voice!  Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!”  (Psalm 130:1)  Moving into the New Testament, we find many quotes of Old Testament passages, as well as interpretations of them in the light of Christ’s life, death, and  resurrection.       

The Book of Hebrews has a somewhat different tone than many of the earlier letters to newly-established congregations.  This community of believers was primarily second-generation Christians who had experienced hardships and trials, and a number of them were struggling with remaining faithful.  The writer encourages those who are tempted to disregard God’s word: “Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”  (Hebrews 2:1)     

Throughout the Bible, we find words of inspiration, instruction, reassurance, and the promise of God’s eternal faithfulness and love.  As we read the writings and reflections of our ancestors in the faith, we learn that we can cry out to God, asking him to pay attention to us in our need for his love and guidance.  We are also told of the importance of being attentive to the teachings of Jesus, whose message of love and forgiveness resonates around the world, changing the lives of all who listen and believe.  If we find ourselves distracted, remember that the Holy Spirit works on our behalf, as explained in Luther’s Small Catechism:“The Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, made me holy, and kept me in the true faith, . . .” (Article III, The Apostles’ Creed).  We are never left all on our own, but are strengthened and supported by the Holy Spirit to overcome all those pesky distractions! 

Always in need of guidance,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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