Weekly Devotion – February 5, 2023


February 5, 2023

“And the Greatest of These is Love”     

“Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” I Corinthians 13:4-7      

It’s that time of year again — of course, I’m speaking of the “valentine season” which is upon us in full force.  This unrelenting commercialization and sales pitch is more than a little tiresome, and can, in many ways, spoil what could be a sweet day to remember the people we love and care for — and to tell them so.  Celebrating romantic love can be fun, but broadening the scope of the day and letting others know they are loved is an appropriate, generous gesture.     

Whether at weddings, special occasions, or just a day in February, it’s good to consider the definition of love in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.  We may believe ourselves to be loving people, but these three verses present a pretty tall order.  The challenge is not to be patient and kind some of the time, or to go ahead and be arrogant or rude if we feel like it.  There’s no wiggle room here — love is patient and kind — period.  It’s not only when things are going well, and there are no bumps in the road.  It just simply and unequivocally is (or is not).  It may sound simple, but probably falls into the category of being “more easily said than done.”     

The historic context of many books in the New Testament is helpful, as the Apostle Paul and other early church leaders wrote letters of guidance and advice to recently established congregations.  Jesus and his followers preached a Gospel of love, telling of a loving, forgiving  God who called his children to lives of caring for one another.  The new Christians needed definitions, explanations, and help in understanding these teachings.  These three verses from the letter to the church at Corinth go a long way in defining what love is and is not.  I’ve read them many times, and it’s crossed my mind that it sounds like love means putting up with just about everything.  But if you think a little more, consider how much strength it takes to continue to believe, to hope, to bear (and share) burdens, to endure all that comes your way.  In fact, try reading this and substitute the word “strength” for “love” and see how you react.  

Throughout the Bible, God is described as the source of love, as love itself, and whose love never fails or ends.   With this strength/love showered upon us, we can be the people of God, sharing the Gospel in our daily lives and making a difference in the world around us. 

“Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love.” I Corinthians 16:13-14 

Grateful for the love that surrounds every day,

Your Friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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