Weekly Devotion – September 18, 2022


September 18, 2022

“What Do You Treasure?”      

It’s close to impossible to read a newspaper or watch or listen to a newscast without hearing a great deal about the financial problems both here at home and internationally.  Some, of course, are “First World” problems — such as shortages of electronic devices and products that make our lives more convenient or enjoyable.  But so many are struggling with the need for basic necessities, as the cost of food, housing, gasoline, and other needs rise with no increase in their paychecks.  Food banks and other “banks” that provide diapers, personal hygiene products, and assistance with utilities and/or housing report a significant uptick in requests for support.     

Last week, the sign in front of our church read, “Seek God, Not Wealth” with our large, abundant garden bursting forth in the background.  I loved the juxtaposition of a message of value right up against faith in action and caring for neighbors in the form of food.  It’s as clear and straightforward as it gets.       

Many cultures, including our own, have historically equated success with significant material possessions.  But we know very well how fleeting the signs of wealth can disappear, whether through a natural disaster or human destruction.  However, when faced with overwhelming loss, I’ve noticed that when families have huddled safely in the basement during a tornado, or evacuated together in the face of fire or flood, their reactions were, “Yes, we’ve lost our home, we’re devastated, but the important thing is that we’re all okay.  A house can be rebuilt, we can buy another car, but there’s no way to replace a loved one.”  There’s no question what they treasure.     

Throughout the Bible, the word “treasure” is used in several ways. We read in Psalm 119:11:  “I treasure your word in my heart, so that I may not sin against you.”  The psalmist puts the greatest value possible on God’s Word, which guides and protects him from sin.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus speaks plainly about that which is worth accumulating, which has lasting meaning and importance.  “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  (6:19-21)     

As we find our way through the changes that have been thrust upon us over the last three years, let’s consider the many opportunities that lie ahead for our congregation.  We’re already serving our community and one another, and learning more ways to serve as we go forward.  We treasure one another and our community in Christ; we are assured that we have the treasures of heaven, and our Lord himself tells us that our hearts are there also.  What a blessing it is to hear this promise, and how encouraging it is to find how best to use the time, the talents, and the treasures we have been given by our generous heavenly Father. 

Learning, growing, and always hopeful,

Your friend in Christ,  

Mary Rogers

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