Weekly Devotion – August 28, 2022


August 28, 2022

“Learn, Teach, Learn Some More” 

Now you have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, and my suffering . . . But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.     (2 Timothy 3:1-11a, 14-15)      

Hope you haven’t missed the big news — it’s back-to-school time!  Even those of us whose school days are probably considered ancient history can recall the excitement (or apprehension) of the start of a new school year.  But when talking about the learning/teaching combination, most of us move beyond the confines of the classroom  pretty quickly.  Whether we’re learning life lessons or specific skills, having a certain amount of student mentality usually stands us in good stead.  Being open, curious, and interested not only keeps all those brain paths active (and hopefully healthy) our lives are enriched as we broaden our horizons.  And then, not surprisingly, we find ourselves teaching, as well.  It’s likely to be informal, sharing something you’ve recently learned, or demonstrating how to perform a skill, and finding the other person is interested and curious, as well.       

These verses from Second Timothy were probably written by an individual who followed in the ministry of the Apostle Paul, referring to what Paul had taught and modeled as he supported the early churches and their leaders.  Timothy and those with whom he is working are encouraged to be inspired by Paul’s faith and steadfastness even in the face of persecution and suffering.  The comment of  “what you have learned and firmly believed” is a deeply rooted part of Jewish tradition, as priests and scholars taught, learned, and debated their understandings and beliefs in the scriptures.      

Learning and teaching are essentially inseparable — a person certainly can’t teach if they haven’t learned the subject matter or how to present it, and the individual who wants and needs to learn must have both a knowledgeable instructor and the opportunity.  True learning goes hand in hand with understanding, which is probably why many of us vividly recall the “life lessons” that took place far from a classroom.       

If you ever had an inspiring and engaging teacher, you know what it’s like to realize that you not only “get” the subject, you’re actually quite good at it!  And have you ever heard the voice of your mom or dad in the back of your mind, with common sense advice or a “do” or “don’t” comment?  The gospels tell us that Jesus was a natural, down to earth teacher.  He spoke in parables using ordinary, everyday, experiences to teach of God’s love for his people and how they could show that love to one another.  The timeless quality of our Lord’s teachings is a gift that enables us to learn, to teach, and to continue learning.  As we share with one another, we are better able to reach out in love and service to all still waiting to hear the Good News. 

Still learning and loving it,

Your friend in Christ, 

Mary Rogers

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