Weekly Devotion – June 26, 2022


June 26, 2022

“Let Your Light Shine”      

Jesus said:  “You are the light of the world.  No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.”    (Matthew 5:14a, 15-16)      

Our family had been members of St. Andrew for a couple of years, and we were enjoying  opportunities to make friends and participate in congregational activities.  We were wrapped up in the busy-ness of family life with a kindergartener and a toddler, when one spring Sunday, our pastor asked me to teach Vacation Bible School.  What?  Me??  There were so many good reasons why I couldn’t take on such a responsibility — I’d never taught, and what would I do with my little one, and wasn’t it enough that I planned to bring my older child?  My excuses melted in the face of his enthusiasm — he’d arranged for another mom with a little girl to care for mine, there were good resources and lesson plans, I’d have a teen helper. . . . and before I realized what had happened, there I was with a class of lively kindergarteners!     

Of course, it turned out to be a satisfying experience, well worth the time and effort, and of course, at times, absolutely hilarious.  It’s wonderful how uncritical little kids are — you don’t have to be much of a singer to lead their little songs, or much of an artist to do an artsy/crafty project.  You all just jump in and give it a try, which is something of a lesson in itself.     

According to the Gospel of Matthew, as Jesus began his ministry, he had called his disciples and was traveling the countryside, attracting large crowds as he preached and taught.  Going up on a mountain, he began teaching what is known as The Sermon on the Mount.  He began with the Beatitudes, followed with the “Salt and Light” statements, and moved along to teach the Lord’s Prayer and what we know as the Golden Rule.  Chapters 5, 6 and 7 are filled with the foundational teachings of Jesus, providing us with inspiration and guidance for our faith journeys.     

Our congregation has been blessed throughout the years with people who have let their lights shine in a remarkable number of ways.  As the church began to form, a member who was a carpenter built an altar, pulpit and lectern.  The baptismal font was built by a high school student as his Eagle Scout project.  Members taught Sunday School, VBS, sang in the choir, served on committees and council, serving one another and reaching out into the community.     

We’re going through challenging times, once again building a church, and once again taking on tasks that we aren’t sure we can accomplish, but finding ourselves doing them anyway.  This is surely the work of the Holy Spirit, who Jesus promised would be our advocate, helper, comforter, and encourager.  As God’s people, we  find the strength and abilities to answer the call to serve those who need to see those shining lights. 

One small light,

Your friend in Christ, 

Mary Rogers

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