Weekly Devotion – January 2, 2022


January 2, 2022

“Just a Little More Christmas”       

Yes, it’s officially a new month and a new year, and yes, it’s definitely winter, no question about that.  So what’s up with calling this Sunday a Sunday in Christmas?  Well, just because the rest of the world is all “Christmas-ed” out doesn’t mean that applies to us.  We Christians get a little bonus within the church calendar, as this time of beauty and joy is extended by a week or two.  Rather than wrapping up Christmas and tucking it away until next December, we have opportunities to be enriched spiritually as well as to learn more about the time shortly after the birth of Jesus.     

The remarkable happenings surrounding the birth of the promised Messiah didn’t stop when the shepherds returned to their flocks.  Accounts in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide a greater in-depth understanding of a number of significant occurrences early in Jesus’ life.  Mary and Joseph brought their infant son to the temple in Jerusalem, where he was blessed by Simeon, a righteous elder, who declared that God’s promise was fulfilled in the child.      

 “. . . my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel!”     (Luke 2:20-22, Simeon)     

Matthew tells of the events surrounding the arrival of the Magi, the escape of the little family to Egypt because of Herod’s evil plan to kill the young children of Bethlehem, and the events that led them to make their home in Nazareth.    The busy-ness of our days prior to the celebration of Christmas can get in the way of giving ourselves the time to take in the beauty and significance of God coming to live among us in human form.  This “extra” period in our church calendar is a lovely gift, giving us time to clear the clutter out of our minds, and experience a different, fresher way of observing Christmas.      

Those who have traveled or had guests during Christmas, may appreciate this opportunity for some personal, thoughtful time, perhaps by reading scripture, listening to some favorite carols, or writing a couple of pages of memories of the past year.  God gives every one of us time, but using it well is a great challenge.       

Rather than a post-Christmas letdown, these days can be uplifting, as we savor and reflect on the richness and variety of the seasons of  Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.  The prophecies of the Old Testament, that God would send a Savior among his people are followed by the Gospel accounts of the fulfillment of that promise in the person of Jesus, the Christ.  We are blessed to share these times with one another, grounded in God’s Word and assured of his everlasting presence in our midst. 

Enjoying this beautiful bonus time,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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