Weekly Devotion – December 19, 2021


December 19, 2021

“The Stirring Season of Advent”  

Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come.  With your abundant grace and might, free us from the sin that binds us, that we may receive you in joy and serve you always, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.   AMEN.      

The fourth “Stir up” prayer of Advent concludes the season on a mixture of notes: of expectation, as we ask Christ to come into the world with all his power; of humility, as we ask for freedom from the burden of our sin; and of hope that we may receive our Savior in joy and service.  As are the others, the prayer is short but eloquent, a statement of faith in God’s great power and grace to overcome sin.     

In a world filled with anger, conflict, and even all-out war, more stirring up hardly seems like what we need.  How about “Peace on earth, good will to all?”  But we’re not looking for human events to be thrown into turmoil, we’re looking for our Lord to lead us, opening us up to newly dedicated service.  The first and last prayers both ask “Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come.”  We know how desperately the world and all its people need to experience peace and joy through the power of God’s love.     

We’ve heard a number of accounts of stirring up in the weeks of Advent.  A devout couple, Elizabeth and Zechariah, resigned to being childless as they aged,  were blessed with a son they named John.  His own father prophesied that John would be the one to go before the promised Messiah, preparing the way for him.  John’s ministry fulfilled his father’s words, as he opened hearts and minds to the immediacy of a coming Savior.  He was bold and outspoken, stirring up the people of Israel’s yearning for the promised Messiah.              

The accounts of the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary, the stunning news that she would bear the human son of God, and her response of faith and trust, are moving and powerful.  Joseph, too, was stirred by a visit from an angel who assured him that God would lead him, along with Mary, on this new path.  Acting in faith and trust as well, he followed God’s will, caring for Mary and the child.     

As events continue to unfold, the harsh demand of an emperor intruded on the lives of the young couple.  He wanted a census to be done, and required everyone to go to their ancestral towns.  Talk about stirring up a whole country!  With no choice, they left for Bethlehem, with a very pregnant Mary riding on a donkey, traveling the rough roads, finally arriving in a small town bursting at the seams with travelers.  The offer of a stable was better than nothing, and of course, the baby was born, miraculous events took place, and our heavenly Father used the most humble, unlikely people and places to bring his own Son into the world. 

Feeling the stirrings of change,

Your friend in Christ,   

Mary Rogers

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