Weekly Devotion – April 25, 2021


April 25, 2021

“And God Saw that It Was Good”  

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.  (Genesis 1::31a)     

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it.  (Psalm 24:1)      

Have you ever looked forward to the arrival of spring quite like you have this year?  Many of our communities have been on an exhausting roller-coaster ride since last summer’s stunningly destructive wind storm.  Until we were on the brink of winter, damaged trees were coming down, stumps were ground out, roofs and buildings repaired and renovated.  Many people were actually looking forward to a break over the winter, and seeing the wreckage of our yards covered with a blanket of snow.  Of course, there was more to winter than that, with bitter cold and poor driving conditions, but also days where staying home because of pandemic restrictions turned out to be preferable to facing the not-so-great outdoors.     

Now we’re once again contending with the damage the winds of August left behind, as we repair and replant, looking forward to new growth and natural beauty.  Even as we look forward, there’s still some grieving for what has been lost, as we come to realize that shady parks and tree-lined streets won’t reappear for a long time.       

The arrival of spring is a little different this year, as the grass greens up around tree stumps and newly-planted trees look pretty spindly in comparison to the sturdy, mature trees that stood in those spaces for many years.  But as we take second and third looks, we also see tiny leaves unfurling and growing almost overnight, and hardy perennials coming back, seemingly with a determination to grow and thrive once again.  God’s gift of a renewed creation is especially encouraging this year, as we are reminded of the amazing resilience of our environment in spite of natural disasters or human abuse and neglect.       

This past week was designated as Earth Week, and we’re learning more and more of the environmental problems that human behavior is causing.  The air we breathe, the water we need to sustain life, the earth and all that grows in it, are suffering at our hands.  We can and must find ways to care for the beautiful creation entrusted to us by our Creator.       

In the Book of Genesis, the story of creation describes the events of each day, beginning with “And God said . . .” and closing with, “And God saw that it was good.”  This land on which we live truly is good in and of itself, a blessing for which we also carry responsibility.  As God’s people in this world, grateful for all we have been given, we are able to live our faith as we care for this precious gift. 

Seeing little miracles every day,

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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