Weekly Devotion: May 31, 2020


May 31, 2020

“O God, Send Us Your Grace”

               O day full of grace that now we see   

               Appearing on earth’s horizon,

               Bring light from our God that we may be   

               Replete in his joy this season.

               God, shine for us now in this dark place;  

               Your name on our hearts emblazon.

                                “O  Day Full of Grace” by Nikolai Grundtvig, Christoph Weyse

     If there’s anything we are feeling a need for right now, it’s to feel God’s grace and presence shining in our midst.  Anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger are within and around us, and add up to create feelings of hopelessness and a kind of numb resignation.  Observing such a celebratory day on the church calendar seems inappropriate on several levels.  But this is not a time to back away from praising and thanking our heavenly Father.  It is, also, a time to remember that we are encouraged to bring our pain and grief to him as well.  

     Our hymns of faith incorporate most human thoughts and emotions, often giving us words to express that with which we struggle.  “O Day Full of Grace” consists of five verses, and as we read, we realize that here is the Gospel!  The birth of the Savior, his life and ministry, and his sacrificial death and resurrection, all to save us from sin, are recounted.  The Day of Pentecost is celebrated in Verse four, assuring us that the Spirit’s power will keep us in relationship with God, and Verse five brings us to the the joy awaiting all of God’s children.

     When we on that final journey go   

     That Christ is for us preparing,

     We’ll gather in song, our hearts aglow,  

     All joy of the heavens sharing.

     And walk in the light of God’s own place,  

     With angels his name adoring.      

     Once again, in one way or another, we’ll read and/or hear the account of the arrival of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts (2:1-14, 41-42). It’s described as the sound of a mighty wind, sweeping through a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem, making it possible for them to hear the message of the apostles in their own languages.  The disciples understood that this was, indeed the Advocate, the Helper, that Jesus had promised them.  (John 16:7-13)  The energy and excitement in that crowd leaps off the pages, and we can feel the enthusiasm that will propel many to go out to share the message of new life in Christ.

     Looking at the order in which the books of the New Testament are organized, it occurred to me that, following the Gospels it’s significant that we see a focus on action.  After all, the accounts of Jesus’ death, resurrection, ministry and ascension are intense to the point of exhausting.  To get to work on the task at hand, spreading the Gospel and bringing people to faith in Jesus was both exciting and challenging, and the Holy Spirit gave these new apostles confidence and a sense of support in the ministry that lay ahead.

     We, too, are strengthened even in our weakness, always in relationship with the Holy Spirit, who calls us and keeps us in faith.

Praying for all to know God’s grace, Your friend in Christ,
 Mary Rogers

O Day Full Of Grace

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