“Junior Devotion”: April 12, 2020 Easter Sunday

“Easter in Our Hearts”

     Our church family is celebrating Easter, which is a wonderful, special day, but we aren’t going to church!  That doesn’t make much sense, does it?  But everyone is taking care of everyone else by staying home from places where there could be a large number of people gathered in one space.  

     Well, that certainly would describe Easter worship at St. Andrew, wouldn’t it?  A lot of people come, sometimes they bring along family members who are visiting from another town.  The church looks so beautiful, with the special banners that say Alleluia, and big white Easter lilies at the front.  Happy, joyful songs are sung, and besides the organ, we have trumpets and handbells added to the music.  It’s a celebration!

     The most important thing about Easter, of course, is that we read the story of how Jesus died and how God raised him back to life.  We learn all over again that God has power over everything in all creation, even the bad forces that wanted Jesus to die!  Jesus came back to life and told his disciples (friends) that they had a big job ahead of them.  They needed to travel to many places and tell all the people they met about Jesus’ message of love, that their sins are forgiven, and they are free to love and be kind to one another.  

     This year, as we stay home so we won’t spread a serious disease, we can watch Easter church online, and wherever we are, we can pray to God, thanking him for the wonderful gift of his Son, Jesus.  God hears our prayers wherever we are, and he wants us to show how glad we are that Jesus was raised from the dead by being loving and helpful to one another. 

     When we can all come back to church, let’s all come back, and sing together the songs of praise, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!

     We have four joyful songs that you can click on to have your Easter celebration at home.  There is also a link for the videos of stories, crafts and fun — new ones have been added since last week.  

Easter Joy to All of You!

Your friend,

Mary Rogers

Faith Finder Fun

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