Devotional – September 9, 2016

Changing – And Unchanging


Most of us are happy to see fall arriving, with some cooler temperatures and the sense that the season is changing, especially after the oppressive summer we’ve had this year.  Heading out of town earlier this week, I was truly surprised to see the bright yellow-gold becoming prevalent in the soybean fields, and the soft, creamy tan of the drying cornstalks.  Just a couple of weeks ago, every mile and every field featured row after row of rich, deep shades of green.  What was lush and vibrantly growing so recently is now moving into another stage, that of maturing crops, soon to be harvested, leaving fields that look barren and empty.

The cycle of the seasons here in the Midwest is so familiar, and yet every year there’s a little element of surprise – and you hear people saying, “Oh, can it be that time already?  Where has the summer gone?”  It’s almost as though we don’t expect these seasonal changes to occur without our awareness or involvement.  It is, of course, very healthy for us to realize that the forces of nature do not depend us, and whether or not we’re taking notice, the seasonal cycles take place.

For many, September is a time of personal change.  From an early age, most of us began the new school year in the fall, and by the time we finished high school, we had that sense of a new beginning when late August/early September rolled around.  As time goes on, we learn that rather than unusual or rare, change is actually a constant occurrence.  While we may enjoy and benefit from many changes in our lives, there are also those we absolutely do not want to experience, certainly in the loss of someone dear to us.  On the other hand, there are situations that we head into with enthusiasm, anticipating that something great is going to happen.  And how many times have you had that funny feeling of eagerness and apprehension all mixed together when facing the new and unknown?

We are given messages of reassurance throughout the Bible that although there are changes in our lives and in the world around us, we never need to wonder where God is in all of this.  The Old Testament includes many accounts of God’s people experiencing every kind of turmoil and upheaval. They were enslaved by the Egyptians until God gave Moses the power to lead them to the Promised Land. The Romans later conquered and dominated them for many years.  But they listened to the teachings of the prophets and kept the faith in the promise of a Messiah who would free them.  They believed that change would come.

The story continues, as you know, not with a warrior king messiah, but with a human child born in a humble barn.  And the changes that took place in the following years continue to the present, the promise continues to be fulfilled, and we are blessed to share these teachings of freedom, forgiveness, and the assurance of God’s endless, unchanging love for every one of us.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”     Isaiah 40:8

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”     Hebrews 13:8


Your friend in Christ

Mary Rogers

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