Devotional – September 8, 2017

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Recently the hymn, “Catch the Vision, Share the Glory” (Hymnal Supplement 1991) was used during our worship service. That is one of my favorite hymns and the last verse particularly speaks to me: For this time and place we have been born.  Gifted by the Spirit, trained and sent:  With the eyes of Jesus, seeing; with the hands of Jesus helping; with the words of Jesus, bringing life.”

How often have you had the feeling that past experiences and lessons learned have prepared you for one particular moment or decision you are called upon to make?  Have you ever felt that you just happened to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference in someone’s life?  Perhaps you make a phone call without realizing how important it would be for the person you were calling.  Perhaps you were asked to serve on a committee at church and you realized this was the time to say “yes.”  Perhaps on a grander scale you decided to adopt a child who needed a “forever family”.  Or you decided to run for a political office because you thought you could do some good.  And as you thought about that decision, it was as if, through your background, circumstances and experiences, the Holy Spirit had brought you to that moment in time when it was time to say “yes.”

When was the last time you really thought about the gifts that you have been gifted with by the Holy Spirit?  And how are you using those gifts?  Gifts we receive from family and friends are frequently wrapped up in pretty paper and ribbons and it is such fun to open each one to find what new blessing is inside.  Sometimes we need to learn to use the new gift like a bicycle or a computer or a new tool or appliance.  Some gifts we use every day.  Others might be for special occasions.  Some gifts get put on the shelf and are used only sporadically.  Some may need to be polished up once in a while.

God’s gifts are like that.  The gift of prayer can be used every day, even more than once a day.  The gift of empathy can be used frequently throughout the day in our interactions with others.  The gifts of creativity such as music, art, poetry or sewing can be shared in a more tangible way.

“God’s Work – Our Hands” weekend is this coming Sunday. But that is only one weekend out of 52. “With the eyes of Jesus, seeing”, we discover how we can be helpful or be a gift to an individual, a situation or an event.  “With the hands of Jesus, helping” we can use that discovery in furthering God’s work in our congregation, community, nation or even the world.  “With the words of Jesus, bringing life” we can share the Gospel in word and deed.

The words above the doors to the sanctuary invite all to “Come and See;” “Go and Tell.” The title and refrain of this hymn invite us as well to Catch the Vision, Share the Glory! Show the captives.  Tell them Christ is here!”


Peace to All,

Nan Schroeder

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