Devotional – September 29, 2017

Growing Like a Weed

As last week’s unseasonably hot, dry weather continued, I ran a slow stream from the hose on a number of perennials in the back yard, thinking I’d better give them a good watering before they went dormant.  Some were a little droopy, others weren’t noticeably dry, but the soil was parched and hard around them, so I made numerous trips back and forth, moving the hose, making sure the whole space was thoroughly soaked.  I couldn’t help but notice that, in spite of my efforts earlier to clear out the weeds that were among these plants, they’d come back in full force, pushing through the mulch, looking as fresh and green as if they’d had the ideal amount of rain, sunshine and moderate heat.  I thought to myself, “Isn’t that the way it goes – you fuss around over the plants you do want, and the ones you pull out, cover up and try to discourage thrive like some kind of prize-winning hybrid!”

Gardening and weeds and seeds were themes for a couple of devotions this past summer, and it’s easy to see why the images of growing, tilling, and harvesting are used to teach a lesson or make a point throughout the Bible.  This year’s week of Vacation Bible School featured lessons and activities that revolved around caring for God’s beautiful creation, and it was easy to see the children connecting to the theme.

So there I stood, looking at those perky little weeds showing off how hardy they were, and thought, “This might just be a good metaphor for how Christians need to be.”  I tossed the idea around, and it began to grow (!)  Christians need to be tough, persistent, and able to find a way to thrive in less than ideal conditions.  Whether we’re in poor soil, or suffering through heat, cold, drought or flood,  it’s possible to keep growing, even blooming, because we are nourished by God’s Word and the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ.

It could be considered a little insulting to tell people to be like weeds, or suggest that they are, but weeds aren’t inherently bad or wicked – they’re just growing where we don’t want them!  Consider how many times Christians have been where they weren’t welcome, where the message of the Gospel was a threat to those in power.  But growth still took place, fed by belief and trust in Jesus’ teachings and promises, and as people heard and believed the Gospel, and then shared the good news with others, these sturdy, determined “weeds” spread and made their way around the world.

Whether we think in historic terms, of persecution and punishment, or the modern era where we see apathy and disinterest, we are called to persist even when there are those who would discourage us.  Giving up and dying out is not an option, so let’s “grow like weeds” wherever we are!


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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