Devotional – May 20, 2016

Six Ethics of Life

Before you pray – Believe
Before you speak – Listen
Before you spend – Earn
Before you write – Think
Before you quit – Try
Before you die – Live
– Unknown

When you need to pray, remember and believe that God is always there and always willing to listen to you.  And believing in yourself is important throughout your life. You may hesitate to pray, which is understandable, but God cares for you and will hear you.

Make sure you listen before you speak.  I always thought that I couldn’t communicate with others because I couldn’t really talk with them, but then I learned that just listening is a great way to communicate and I shouldn’t be afraid to communicate with people. So listen and make sure that you really are getting the full picture.

Everyone has to spend, so make sure you earn money before you spend it because it’s really hard if you go into debt.  Everyone wants to be comfortable, but they need to earn their way.

When they write something, many people just throw it on the paper with no thought. I admit that I have done that a couple times, but now I try harder to think about what I want people to get out of it. Many times I stop and think for a longer time, and then I will write because I want to make sure it really works.

Make sure you try before you quit. If you want to quit, figure out what is going wrong and how you can do better. I know I hate to quit something because I want to prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to.  It can be hard to try something you don’t think you can do, but when you give it your best, you can feel good about it.

And last but not least make sure you live before you die. This doesn’t mean just to go on with your life, but to actually make the most of your life. Don’t let a moment go by that you wish you were doing something. There is no use to having your life go by without living it to the fullest.

So if you want to take something from this, remember that you are in charge of your life and you will have the tools to do that if you believe, listen, earn, think, try and live.

Abbie Haller

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