Devotional – January 20, 2017

Words . . . And The Word

The Baptism of Jesus is a special Sunday in the church year, and it’s always a good reminder that although Jesus was without sin and did not need to be baptized, he chose to receive baptism as a sign of being one with all humanity.  Conversations about different baptisms recently took place on a Sunday of Sharing, and both children and adults were interested in the variety of baptismal experiences of individuals and families here at St. Andrew. Through our sharing, we realized that the part that brings us all together is that, as the water was gently poured over our heads, the words, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” were spoken.  God was present as our loving Father, as his Son, our Redeemer, and as the Holy Spirit, who sustains and strengthens us along our faith journeys.  Those words are the foundation of our faith, and they are surely what we need to hear and remember every day we live as baptized children of God.

Martin Luther wrote in the Small Catechism, “Baptism is not simply plain water.  Instead, it is water used according to God’s command and connected with God’s word.”  This simple explanation reminds us that God’s word carries a creative power that washes away the sinful human nature with which we all are born.

In a society awash in words from every source, it could be easy to dismiss their importance, but we can’t ever underestimate the effect our words can have and how far they may travel.  After all, when clumsy, insulting or unkind comments are directed toward us or someone for whom we care, hurt and anger are likely to flare up quickly.  Human relationships require communication in order to function and thrive.  Using our words kindly and carefully can make a genuine difference within our families, workplaces, or any environment in which we interact with others.

And when it comes to hearing and reading The Word, as in the creative, power-filled Word of God, we have an abundance of biblical resources.  The first verses in John’s Gospel are so beautiful and strong: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  (v. 1)  And the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.”  (v. 16)  Here John tells us of the complete interconnectedness of the Father and the Son, and how the power of God’s Word came into physical being in Christ.  Throughout the New Testament, those who heard the Apostles preaching were told in several ways that God’s Word would live and endure for all time.  “You have been born anew . . . through the living and enduring word of God . . . the word of God endures forever.  That word is the good news that was announced to you.”  (I Peter 1:23, 25)

Use your words wisely!

Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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