Devotional – January 19, 2018

Fire and Ice

The scene couldn’t have been any more dramatic:  A fire raging through a house, leaping in fierce orange flames through the roof and out the windows, and in the front yard, firefighters with helmets, hoses and coats coated in thick layers of ice.  It’s hard to believe your eyes when you see such completely opposite elements side by side.  How can such solid ice form almost directly next to such intense, flaming heat?

This image intrigued me, and I hoped to be able to connect it to the contradictions that are present in our lives today and also through what can be found in the Bible.  Starting with Genesis and the story of God’s creative power, almost before you know it, the beauty of the Garden of Eden is invaded by the evil of the tempter.  The battle between good and evil begins at the beginning, and continues to this day.

In both the Old and New Testaments, we learn that God has a way of creating unlikely heroes.  Although he was a favored member of Pharaoh’s inner circle, Moses was called by God to free the people of Israel from slavery and lead them out of Egypt to the Promised Land.  Through God’s power, the shepherd boy David became a great king of Israel and writer of psalms that inspire us still.  As he began his ministry, Jesus called fishermen and everyday people to become his disciples, and they became the foundation of the Christian Church.  The story of Saul, a Pharisee who relentlessly persecuted early Christians is a vivid illustration of turning an enemy into the greatest of advocates. God called this man who became Paul and took his intelligence, passion, and tireless work ethic and used him to teach, preach and write in spreading the Gospel and building the church.

The Gospel of Mark, chapter 9, contains a verse that has always resonated with me.  In an account of a father bringing his son who suffered from seizures to Jesus for healing, Jesus speaks of the power of belief.  In anguish, the man cries out, “I believe!  Help my unbelief!”  These few words may well be the prayer of many of us as we are faced with the inevitable problems of life.  We’ll always ask why bad things happen to good people, and our human understanding will always be limited.

But we have God’s Word, reminding us that the universe is God’s creation, and we, his people, are as well.  The creative power of God is never-ending, and it occurs in so many ways,  whether it’s when regrowth appears following a destructive natural event or when individuals, groups or entire communities join forces to care for disaster victims.  We are people of faith and hope, gifts from God that are limitless, that we can share with all who need to hear the Good News.


Your friend in Christ,

Mary Rogers

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