Devotional – February 5, 2016


“. . .  a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. “ – Genesis 1:2b
“And let everyone who is thirsty come.  Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.” – Revelation 22:17b

The people of Flint, Michigan have been experiencing what must be one of the most nightmarish situations that can be imagined.  Every news outlet in the country has had stories about the high lead content of the city’s water supply, how long it has been contaminated, and the serious health hazards this creates. Everyone is angry, frightened, and shocked that those who were entrusted to do the right thing as city, state and national agencies failed to meet their responsibilities.

Water is essential to life itself, and health and safety are almost immediately put at risk when a clean source becomes unavailable.  Throughout the Bible, there are a variety of references to water, and its life-giving qualities, reflecting an understanding of the ongoing need for water in the arid land of the Israelites.  God’s word is compared to a refreshing mountain stream, and a person who follows God’s word, flourishing like a tree planted near a river.  From Genesis to Revelation, water is used descriptively in stories of creation, redemption, and salvation.  Psalm 23 tells us, “he leads me beside still waters” and, of course, the good news that our sins are washed away through the cleansing waters of baptism is a core message of the New Testament.

There’s an old expression — “You never miss the water till the well runs dry” — that sums up a good number of human experiences.  We may not appreciate what we have until it’s gone or at least unavailable. It’s easy to take our everyday lives for granted, and to slip into thoughtless behaviors.  Being aware of the everyday blessings of life, and intentionally paying attention to the “small stuff” has the potential for making a positive difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Everyone has times of a spiritual drought, of feeling dry and stale, and in need of refreshment and a clean-up.  Jesus told the woman at the Well of Jacob, “those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.”  We are assured that the living water of God’s Word will never run dry, never be polluted, and will always be there to refresh our dried-out spirits and cleanse our dusty souls.

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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