Devotional – February 10, 2017

On the Road Again

Driving home from a recent weekend trip and enjoying a new, smooth stretch of highway, I got to wondering how I could incorporate thoughts of travel into a devotional theme.  Recalling that the expression of a “faith journey” is frequently used to describe a Christian’s growth and understanding of his or her relationship to God, it seemed that I might have a theme.  As we learn, change, and mature through our life experiences, there is that sense of being on a journey.

For no particularly good reason, my personal definition of a journey is travel with intent and purpose, with significant events occurring along the way.  Probably that’s why describing life in general as a journey or our spiritual learning as a faith journey resonates with me.  The thought of setting off on a journey would be, to my thinking, an important undertaking, probably quite lengthy and complicated.

It seemed like a good idea to find a Bible passage or two that would include a meaningful reference to journeying, so I turned to my faithful old concordance, the reference section in the back of my Bible that has been of help so many times. As I searched, however, I started to wonder if I had wrongly imagined that I’d find appropriate verses, as there were only a few references for journeys, none for trips or travel, and only a few more for roads and paths.   Thinking perhaps I was trying to dream up something that just wasn’t there, the thought popped into my head (do we even need to wonder where that came from?)  to look under “walk” and lo and behold, there was a long column in which walk, walked, walking, and walks, could be found, from Genesis to Revelation!

It’s good to be reminded of what everyday life was like several thousand years ago, when the primary means of transportation was simply putting one foot in front of the other.  The Psalmist speaks of walking through the valley of death, and asking the Lord “that I may walk in your truth”.  Isaiah says, “Let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Throughout the New Testament we find similar references, as in II Corinthians: “we walk by faith, not by sight” and in Romans, “we too might walk in newness of life.”

Picture Jesus and his disciples, walking along dusty little roads, talking, discussing, asking questions, learning and growing. Their time together was used well, and served a good purpose, as these close followers bonded with one another, and increased the depth and breadth of their faith and understanding.  A long, tedious walk just to get from one place to another became a wonderful opportunity for both teacher and followers. As we set off on our own faith journeys, let us walk intentionally and thoughtfully, following with faith the paths along which our Lord leads us.

“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. . .” – Ephesians 5:2

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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