Devotional – April 22, 2016

Blind Man

Whenever you hear a church song do you ever just think, “How did they come up with it?” Or how well the words just blend together? Well here is a good example in what I found about a camp song and where it all came from.

“Blind man sits by the road and he cries (x3).
    He cries, “Oh, Oh, Oh. Show me the way. Show me the truth. Show me the life. 
   The way to go home.” We all sit by the road and we cries (x3). 
   He cries, “Oh, Oh, Oh. Show me the way. Show me the truth. Show me the life. 
   The way to go home.”
 Jesus stands by the road and replies (x3).
    Replies, “Oh, Oh, Oh. Show me the way.   Show me the truth. Show me the life. 
   The way to go home.” 
– Blind Man

I was thinking about where these lines come from.  When you think of blind men in the Bible you think of the times that Jesus healed them. So I looked into it a little more and found the story of Bartimaeus (Mark 10: 46-52) in which he calls out to Jesus when Jesus passes by and asks him to let him see. Then I searched for the Bible verse about showing the way, the truth and the life and found it in John 14: 16 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Finding that this song came from more then one Bible passage (well, my guess) it really neat. I kept looking and then found a paper that named some songs that we as Christians might have sung and where they come from. Some come from various books in the Bible.

For someone to be able to write something like this, they would first have to be really good at song writing because not many people are and it takes the right person to do that. Second, the  person would need to be really knowledgeable about the Bible, and not just the verses that are known to everyone, but also those hidden gems that many people don’t know about. Third, they have to have God by their side. With these three aspects they can write something that is truly  amazing. I kind of wish I could write a song, but I am just as happy singing them and sharing with others.

Abbie Haller

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