Devotional – September 6, 2013

Two little eyes to look to God
Two little ears to hear His word
Two little feet to walk His ways
Hands to serve him all my day
– Very old Lutheran Sunday School Song

This little song, so simple and appropriate to young children, and sung with gestures to eyes, ears, feet and hands, was no doubt charming and sweet to parents and adults who heard it sung by very young Sunday School students.  It’s much like “Jesus Loves Me” and “This Little Light of Mine” — songs I’ve known so long I can’t even remember not knowing them.  But the message here has some substance I wouldn’t want to overlook, and it’s interesting to me that the concept of service is introduced in a song for small children.

Understanding a call to serve God by serving others is found throughout the New Testament, from direct statements by Jesus as he preached and taught, to the advice the Apostle Paul gave to the new congregations forming as Christianity began to spread.  Our Lutheran churches have sent missionaries and other committed workers around the world, building hospitals and schools, feeding the hungry, and providing aid and support in the name of Christ.

As individuals, as a congregation, or as part of another group, we have many and varied opportunities to serve,  and can consider ourselves fortunate if we are able to do so.  When we give the gift of our time and our abilities, we give something of ourselves, and that’s not always easy or convenient or even what we really want to do.  But that’s what makes these gifts of service unique and valuable, and a worthy offering to God.

Jesus himself tells his disciples, “…whoever would be great among you must be your servant . . . even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  (Matthew 20:26, 28).  If Jesus, God’s own son, came to be a servant, how else can we respond?

Your Friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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