Devotional – October 20, 2013

Garage Sale

The St Andrew Youth’s semi-annual garage sale is Saturday, 10/19.  By the time most folks read this devotion, the sale will be completed.  While setting up for the sale, I starting thinking about how one person’s sales item (junk?) could be another person’s treasure.  I know several of the volunteers took items home even before the doors opened on Saturday.

There are many hidden blessings with a church garage sale. Let’s name a few:

  • Blessing #1: Providing of your gifts / sales items – many church members and friends provided sale items.  Thanks for giving your items to a great cause.  In Mark 10:45 it reads “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.”  Our members are similar; they wanted nothing in return for these sales items, only to see someone else gain some value of their used items.
  • Blessing #2: Fellowship and gathering to pull off a sale this large – great job volunteers.  It was great seeing the youth work together to setup tables, sort items, price items, and it was really cool to hear them talk about the items and in some cases wonder what the item was or reflect on the potential history of the item.
  • Blessing #3: Treasure hunting by the buyers – there are many hidden treasures within this sales items.  While many people provided items wanting nothing in return, many people see these items from a different view point. Sale items are analogous to members at St Andrew Lutheran Church.  Each of our members is like a hidden gem.  They provide their time, talents, support and fellowship to make our church a better place.  And like the youth pondering what a sale item was used for; we ponder what our true talents are and when we forget what special talents we have to offer, others will see and help us remember, we each have hidden talents that can be shared.

So I hope the next time you see or hear about a garage sale, you’ll think about some of the above blessings.  As believes and followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we are all gems.

God bless you all.
Steve Haller

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