Devotional – November 22, 2013


            “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

A few weeks ago, I attended my high school class reunion, visiting with long-time friends, reminiscing and catching up.  At our lunch gathering, most of us stood and gave an update of what was going on in our lives, where our families were (many mentions of grandchildren) and what our interests and activities were.  After most of us had made our contributions, someone asked our Homecoming Queen, Bonnie, to say a few words.

Well, to know Bonnie is to love her — she’s always had a smile, usually a giggle, and the sunniest, most optimistic disposition of anyone I’ve known.  She and her husband, John, have two children, and their oldest, Nancy, is mentally disabled.  She attended special education classes, has had employment through an agency like ARC, and has participated in Special Olympics for a long time.  Bonnie told us of Nancy’s more recent experience, when she came to them and told them she wanted to be in the Special Olympics, and they said it was time for her to register and do what was needed on her own.  After years of being deeply involved in these events, helping her every step of the way, it was time for her to become more self-sufficient.  She was quite put out with them, but called the person in charge, announcing, “My parents won’t help me.”  She got registered, she participated, she won some events, and told various people, “My parents wouldn’t help me.”  Nancy was later named Special Olympian of the Year, and at the awards dinner, which Bonnie and John attended, of course, the master of ceremonies presented the award, with the comment, “and her parents wouldn’t help her,” which just brought down the house!  By the end of this story, the whole room was laughing, with a few tears in our eyes, knowing that sometimes we have to be “parents who won’t help” to help our children mature, whatever their level of ability may be.

Finding a Bible verse to dovetail with this little story was not easy, and the closest I could come was this verse from Romans.  I would hope that we all would remember that we are called according to God’s purpose, and through our lives, God works for good.  And even if sometimes it seems that God won’t help us, he’s probably helping us learn an important lesson.

Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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