Devotional – November 15, 2013

Natural Disasters
Psalm 46: 1-2
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea.

By this time, we’ve all seen or read about the typhoon-battered islands of the Philippines.  Over a thousand may have lost their lives and an undetermined number are without food and their homes.  This is a natural disaster of major proportions.  In time of trials, we can provide support in prayer and/or via disaster relief.

I have a friend with a home and family members in the Philippines.  His home town and house is 15 miles from the coast and his home didn’t see the direct line of the storm. Still they saw 125+ mph winds and storms that lasted for many hours.  By design, he’d built his home to withstand 175 mph winds.  All his family members and neighbors survived this major storm within his home.  Not everyone within his island was as lucky and many people were left homeless.

So why write about natural disasters?  Natural disasters have occurred for years and will continue to occur throughout the life of mother earth.  In times of trial, we call on Jesus Christ the most.  We pray and take refuge in our love for God.

I recommend we take time over the next week to pray and thank God for our prized possessions:  Jesus Christ, our family members, friends, our health and our family at St. Andrew Lutheran Church. In addition, say an extra prayer for those impacted by the typhoon within the Philippines and if you can find a way, provide a small donation to the Lutheran Disaster Response.

God Bless you all,
Steve Haller

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