All Saint’s Sunday
“For All the Saints”, Lutheran Book of Worship
It’s quite natural to think to ourselves, “Well, of course these people are saints — look what they went through, how they were the foundation of faith for generations of Christians to come.” But they were just ordinary people, sometimes disagreeing with one another over their understanding of this new faith, working out their differences, and growing and learning together.
So there it is — we’re saints too. Saints aren’t some mystical, misty creatures who are perfect and distant, they’re people who express their faith in their daily lives, make mistakes and deal with conflicts, and keep on keeping on. Martin Luther put forth the concept of Christians being saints and sinners simultaneously — strange sounding, perhaps, but an honest description of human nature if you reflect on it for a little while. So this weekend, light a couple of candles, sing “For All the Saints” and consider how blessed your life has been because of all those saints who from their labors rest, those ordinary people who would be amazed to be called saints.
Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers