Devotional – March 7, 2014

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.  And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. – Genesis 2:15-17 NRSVWe’ve probably all heard stories from pet owners about how their cute little puppy chewed up a nice dress shoe.  Sure, they were upset; but mostly with themselves because they knew it was just in the dog’s nature, and not an intentional act.  The same is true for young children.  There seems to be a “grace period” (yes, there is significance in that word) when a child may be corrected but not punished for inappropriate actions.

As we pass through the gate of Ash Wednesday and begin our 2014 Lenten journey, the scripture readings immediately reveal our sinful nature like a strong north winter wind in our face.  Mankind was truly “free” until we understood the difference between good and evil; and then, in our selfish nature, we continued to “choose” incorrectly.  Each choice further separates us from having a whole relationship with God.  Each choice is a piece of death.

So what can we do?  Where can we turn?

Matthew 4:1-11 tells us about Jesus Christ, a man of flesh just like us, who was offered relief from hunger, infinite wealth, and power…and yet refused to act selfishly.  Instead, he gave us examples of how to live wisely and make good choices; to love each other as “images of God” so that we strengthen our relationship with the true God.

While we are physical creatures of this world, we will continue to be tempted.  And someday our physical existence may come to an end.  But we do not have to die.  Death, as the end of a relationship with God, has been defeated.  Through our faith in Jesus Christ we can choose to live each day in God’s “Grace” period!

In Christ,
David Krueger

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