Devotional – March 7, 2013

Parable of the Prodigal Son

Please read Luke 15:11-32, (The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother) I’ll wait right here while you read……… I know some of you didn’t read the parable, here is some more time to complete this assignment………..

Ok I see that most of you actually read the parable, but for those who didn’t, here is a quick summary.

A father divides his property between himself and his two sons, and then one son leaves for a life of mischief, while the second son remains faithfully beside his father.  After some time, the first son realizes his mistakes, repents and asks his father for forgiveness.  The father receives his lost (dead) son and a celebration is prepared.  Meanwhile back at the homestead, the second son is mad and communicates his anger to the father.  The father then states, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.  But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.”

I love this parable.  It really describes how we all can be and are forgiven by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of us attend church regularly, participate in fellowships and live a fulfilling life with our Lord.  But as soon as we see someone new in our church or someone with misfortunes looking for the Grace of God, we question their motives.  What if they are simply lost souls, realized their mistakes and are asking our Father for forgiveness?  Who are we to question their motives?

We should be the first to welcome them into the church of God and support everyone who is looking for forgiveness.  Are they really just trying to be a regular church goer and participate in our love of Jesus Christ?

Your friend in Christ,
Steve Haller

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