Devotional – June 13, 2014

As I was thinking about writing a devotion for this week, a variety of subjects bounced around in my head.  We’ve just celebrated the Day of Pentecost, this Sunday is Father’s Day, and our congregation is learning about the process of calling a pastor and figuring out how to function effectively during the interim.  But I needed to focus and choose a theme — not all that  easy a task for me.  Then I happened across a PBS special on the life and ministry of the remarkable Fred Rogers of “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” television fame.

There it all was — the truly gentle man who would look right into the camera and tell his young viewers how much he liked them just the way they were.  No qualifiers — do better in school, have nice manners, get along with your siblings — just “I like you.”  Then he and his low-key cast would demonstrate through simple stories, skits, and music the tools children (and, what do you know, their parents as well) needed to navigate family life, and ultimately life in general.  His message of acceptance, cooperation, patience and understanding worked its way into the fabric of the lives of so many families.  We might consider “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” a children’s show, but it was filled with life lessons for all generations.

The Bible has numerous references to God as our heavenly Father, as the writers from Genesis to Revelation frequently describe God as our loving Father, who has provided for all our needs, from a beautiful natural creation to the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ.  We are then reminded that as the recipients of such generosity, we are to share with and care for our sisters and brothers in this world.

Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, neighbors — all can make a contribution to youngsters who will  be better for that connection, however modest or low-key it may be.  We thank God for the good people who take some time and simply be that friend.

“What father among you, if his child asks for a fish, will give a snake; or if the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion?  If you  . . . know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
– Luke 11:11-13

Won’t you be my neighbor?
Your friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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