Devotional – July 14, 2013

Psalm 103:2 – Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits

It’s 90 degrees outside, the lights are on and my air conditioning is running as I write this devotion.  At times we take for granted the electric companies who provide us power to operate our TVs, stereos, refrigerators, lights and air conditioners.  As a power plant worker, I take pride in providing reliable power to all area homes.  This reliable power is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Only during a few storms, can people say they have lost electrical service.  Now where is this devotion going, Mr. Haller?

Jesus Christ is available 100% of the time.  Some people say, “I attended church on Sunday and I’m good for the week.  I will be saved.”  Is this taking Jesus Christ for granted, like your home electricity?

I say get involved; make the church more than a drive in restaurant.  “Come and See”…..
What is available to all behind the church doors?
What is going on at church council meetings?
What is the youth group doing for fellowship activities during the summer months?
What is going on at the Roast Pork Supper and with the summer bible school program?
How can you support the Home Communion program?
What fellowship outings can I attend with St. Andrew On-The-Town?

There are many benefits in church participation: fellowship, giving of time and simply providing time for the good of others.  Don’t take Jesus Christ, our Lord Savior for granted.

God bless you all.
Steve Haller

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