Devotional – December 12, 2014

He Will Bring Us Goodness and Light!

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.”      Isaiah 9:2

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”      John 1:6

Our everyday language is filled with expressions using the images of darkness and light.  Almost daily we say something like, “You should have seen her face light up . . .” or “They kept him in the dark about it.”  We don’t have to explain our meaning, and it’s a given that light has a positive connotation, and dark is negative. We naturally gravitate to light, to the brightness and warmth that we feel from the sun, a cozy fire, or a bright, cheerful room.

The dark days of November and December seem to have landed on us with determination this year, preventing us from seeing any more than an occasional sliver of sunlight.  We drive with our headlights on in the middle of the day, and every time we go into another room in the house, we have to turn on a light.  Even good, loyal Iowans that we are, we start to think about reconnecting and maybe visiting with those old friends or relatives who live in Arizona or Florida — just anyplace where the sun is shining.

It’s no wonder that tales and legends from ancient times use the imagery of light and dark in describing the struggle between good and evil.  Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, we can read how God sends light to his people to show them the path they should follow, that they are not alone or in the dark on their journeys.  There are prophecies, histories, prayers, and timeless words of encouragement and inspiration that continue to speak to people across the centuries.

We do know the short, dark days will not continue endlessly, and before long, they will brighten up and become longer.   We know as well, that however dark and sin-filled this world is, God continues to shine his light on us, to guide and comfort us, and he will not let the darkness overcome us.

Your Friend in Christ,
Mary Rogers

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